
Player State

Players can be in one of four states.


Video Playing

Player is operating normally and video is being played.

No Video

Player is operating normally, but playback is stopped and the screen is blank.


Player is operating normally but is downloading new content. Actual playback state can be determined in Player Status Tab.

NOTE: The player can play video from previous content while downloading videos for new content.

No Communication

The player is NOT connected to QuickSign Cloud and playback state is unknown.Typically when in this state, the player has been turned off or is not connected to internet.

Player Tabs

The Player tabbed panel provides control and monitoring functions for the highlighted player.

Player Status Tab


To view status of a player, highlight a player, and then click the Player Status tab.

The Player Status tab shows the currently playing video, the current layout (if specified), and the last playlist or layout or schedule that was loaded to the player.

To update the status immediately for the highlighted player, click on the update status button:


To view additional information about the player and its current state, click on the info button:


NOTE: Player status is updated automatically on about a 1 minute cycle. To get status "now", click on the update status button. Note that after about 10 minutes of no user interaction with the application, status is updated on a much longer basis (typically, 10 minutes and increases as more in-active time passes).

Player Control Tab


After highlighting a player, click on the Player Control Tab to perform basic player operations.

Control Tab Fields
Playlist to Load Playlist to be loaded to player when Load/Play is clicked.
Layout to Load Layout to be loaded to the player when Load/Play is clicked.
Playlist Files Files of the selected playlist
Layout Preview of the selected layout
Control Tab Buttons
Load/Play Click to load and then play the selected playlist and layout
Stop Stop the current playlist and layout. Screen will be black.

More on Load/Play

The Load/Play button tells the highlighted player to download media as necessary from the cloud.

The player will then be in a "syncing state" which simply means that the player is downloading files from the cloud as necessary to complete the Load/Play request. The player will not download any files that are already stored on its SD card. Syncing can take a long time if files are large and do not already exist on the player.

Media files are downloaded to the player as needed. Files already on the player will not be re-downloaded.

NOTE Media files will remain on the player until storage space is needed. Typically when thd SD card is over 70% full, the player will automatically delete some unused files. This avoids the process of reloading potentially large video files in case they are to be used again in a future play list.

Player Schedule Tab


After highlighting a player, click on the Player Schedule Tab to see schedule status and/or load a schedule to the player.

Schedule Tab Fields
Name Name of the actively running schedule.
Playlist Name of current playlist.
Layout Name of current layout.
Schedule Tab Buttons
Load Schedule Click to load and then play the selected playlist and layout
Stop Schedule Stop the schedule. Screen will be black.

To update the schedule status immediately for the highlighted player, click on the update status button:


See Schedules

Next: Playlists