
With QuickSign Cloud desktop application, you are able to create a schedule that determines when specified playlists and layouts are to be played. Schedules can be simple or quite elaborate. Schedules consist of calendar items and daily schedules.

There can be one or more schedules of either type. However, only one schedule (either a Calender Item or a Daily Schedule) is active at a time.

Calendar Item

Calendar items have a start time and specify a playlist and layout. The playlist and layout will continue playing after the start date and time until another calendar item (or daily schedule) is started.

Daily Schedule

A daily schedule is a schedule that allows items to be started at specified times on given weekdays.

IMPORTANT: The media player's clock must be set properly for the scheduling to work properly. This is done by accessing the players settings menu.

Schedule Editor

Schedules are created using the Schedule Editor.

  1. Highlight Schedules in the Panel Selector.
  2. Click New Schedule.
  3. The Schedule Editor will appear.
  4. Assign a name to the schedule.
  5. Optionally, enter a description.
  6. Set a default playlist and optionally a layout.
    The default playlist and layout will be played in the event no other items are scheduled You can also specify when the default playlist and layout are played in a Calendar Item or Daily Schedule
  7. Add one or more scheduled items to the Scheduled Item Table. Click Add Calendar Item and Add Daily Schedule as required.
  8. Click Save to save the schedule. The schedule will now appear in the table of the Schedule Panel.

You may now load the schedule to the player. Go the Players Panel and click Player Schedule Tab.

Schedule Editor Schedule Editor

Schedule Editor Fields
Schedule Name The name of the schedule.
Description An optional and usually brief description of the schedule.
Default Playlist Select the playlist to be played when no playlist is otherwise scheduled.
Default Layout Select the layout to be played when not other layout is scheduled.
Scheduled Items Table This table contains individually scheduled playlists and layouts.
Schedule Editor Controls
Add Calendar Item Add a single schedules item to the list of Scheduled Items. See Calendar Item Editor .
Add Daily Schedule Adds a daily (or weekday) schedule to list of Schedule Items. See Daily Schedule Editor .
Save Save the schedule. The schedule will be stored in the cloud.
Cancel Exit and lose any changes (you will be warned before losing changes).

Calendar Items

A Calendar Item is just a date and time to start a playlist and/or layout.

Any number of Calendar Items can be added to a Schedule. The Calendar Item starts playback at on the day and time specified.

If multiple calendar items are present, only the item with the latest valid start date will play. (start dates in the future or not yet valid).

NOTE Only the Calendar Item with the latest valid start date will play. Also, the item will continue playing until another Calendar Item or Daily Schedule is started.

Calendar Item Editor

The Calendar Item Editor allows specification of a start date/time for a playlist and layout to be played.

You can also select to play the schedule default item by choosing <default> as the playlist and layout names. Finally, you can specify a blank screen by choosing <none> as the playlist and layout names.

Calendar Editor

Calendar Item Fields
Playlist Name The name of the playlist to be scheduled.
Layout Name The name of the layout to be scheduled.
Start Date and Time The date and time the playlist and layout should start playing
Calendar Item Control
OK Click to save
Cancel Exit and lose any changes (you will be warned before losing changes).

Daily Schedules

A daily schedule is a schedule that allows items to be started at specified times on given weekdays. Daily Schedules specify the start times and a weekday that a playlist and layout should start playing.

You can specify one or many items for each weekday Sunday through Friday. Once item is started it will play (loop) until another item is started. The last item will play until the end of the day.

Any number of Daily Schedules can be added to a Schedule. However, only 1 may be active at a time. If multiple Daily Schedules and Calendar Items are present, only the schedule or item with the latest valid start date will play. (start dates in the future or not yet valid).

NOTE Only the Daily Schedule or Calendar Item with the latest valid start date will play. Only 1 schedule or item is active at a time.

Daily Schedules Editor

Daily Schedules can be added to a Schedule by clicking the Add Daily Schedule button on the Schedule Editor.

You can also select to play the schedule default item by choosing <default> as the playlist and layout names. Finally, you can specify a blank screen by choosing <none> as the playlist and layout names.

NOTE: At start of each day (midnight 12:00AM), the overall schedule default item will automatically play unless another item is specified.

Daily Schedule Editor

Daily Schedule Editor

Daily Schedule Fields and Controls
Start Date and Time The date an time the playlist and layout should start playing
Sort/Optimize All Days Sorts the scheduled items by time and removes any redundant items for all weekdays
Clear All Days Removes all items from all days.
Weekday Tabs Sunday through Saturday tabs. Select the tab to set scheduled items for that day.
New Item Opens the editor to add a new scheduled playlist and layout with start time.
Add Empty Item Adds an item to the schedule list with playlist and layout set to <none>. You can edit this item to change it,
Copy To Day Copy all items from current day to the selected day.
Copy From Day Copy all item from another day to this day.
Clear This Day Clear all items in schedule list for this day.
OK Click to save
Cancel Exit and lose any changes (you will be warned before losing changes).

Loading Schedules

The Load Schedule button tells the selected player to downloads a schedule and all necessary media from the cloud and begin playing as required by schedule. A Schedule must have been previously created.

Refer to Player Schedule Tab

Some Notes on Scheduling